

On my Monday to Friday, I work as a digital content producer at a university in Australia.

I like playing around with digital stuff, like taking photos of anything, making videos for fun, doing animation with Adobe Illustrator and After Effects, playing electronic music, or quietly spinning my DJ controller at home. Spare time has been a luxury since the baby joined the family.

My formal degree is a Bachelor of Science in Biology, majoring in Marine Ecology, but my passion changed to the digital world not long after I finished the study. I started making websites in 2004 and decided to be a freelance website designer in 2009 for small business in Darwin, and still love it. Besides making websites for small businesses and organisations, I also have been working as a content producer and webmaster at the seafood industry council, health organisation and the latest one at the university.

Although it may sound like I spend all of my life in front of a screen or indoors and don’t get out of my desk a lot, I do play some sports and like outdoor activities. Recently, I have been spending a tiny bit of my weekends kayaking around Darwin water, the beautiful Roebuck Bay of Broome and South West of Australia.

About that logo: if you google ‘wayang Irawan’, that’s where it’s from.